Separation Anxiety?
Daycare may be the option for your pet. Interaction with our staff and other pets can build social skills; release energy and tension; and provide fun, quality playtime for your dog or cat. All dogs attending daycare are carefully screened to ensure they will make good playmates for your dog. When your pet is ready for some downtime, they’ll have plenty of space to rest in our large, temperature-controlled runs. Every guest has an individual run.
Additionally, our spacious outdoor play yards include artificial turf and webcams for pet parent access.
Daycare is offered Monday-Friday. At this time, we do not offer daycare on the weekends. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Daycare Policies
- All dogs must be current on vaccinations and testing.
- Unaltered males and female dogs are not allowed in daycare with other animals.
- Aggressive dogs are not allowed in daycare.
- Daycare application must be on file for all daycare participants.
Doggy Daycare
Starting at $25 per day
You first day of daycare is free! Ask about our daycare packages to save!
We offer full day and half day (5 hours or less) Doggy Daycare options. We also offer Daycare packages for our frequent visitors! Please call us to discuss your options and pricing.
Wagtastic Extras:
- Divine Canine Bath
- Paw-dicure
- Doggie Ice Cream
- Pick Up After 12pm
Daycare Requirements
Our guidelines are set forth to ensure the health and safety of all daycare participants:
- All dogs over 6 months of age must be spayed or neutered.
- All dogs must be current on vaccinations. Owners must have proof from their veterinarian that rabies, distemper, bordetella, fecal that checks for giardia and a heartworm test are current.
- All dogs must be free of flea and ticks. If external parasites are found, your pet will be isolated for the day and treated.
- All dogs must be in good health. Owners certify that their dog(s) are in good health and have not been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days. Upon admission, all dogs must be free of any condition that could potentially jeopardize other guests, including fleas or ticks. Dogs that have been ill with a communicable condition in the last 30 days will require veterinarian certification of health to be admitted or re-admitted.
- All dogs must be non-aggressive toward food and toys. Owners must certify that their dogs have not harmed or shown aggression toward any person or dog.
- If your pet is found not to play well in daycare, you will be notified and your pet will be placed in a large run for the day.
- The safety and health of our participants is our primary concern.
- If loose stool or diarrhea is noted while here, your pet will be removed from the group and you will be notified. A fecal with negative results may be required prior to being re-admitted to the daycare population.